Sama ada Vest Kalis Peluru Boleh Menahan Senjata Sejuk dengan Berkesan


      Whether a bulletproof vest can withstand knives or not depends mainly on the material and purpose of the vest; For example, bulletproof vests with steel plates and ceramic armor plates inserted can prevent knives, not only cutting but also stabbing. However, ordinary fiber bulletproof vests, also known as Kevlar bulletproof vests, do not have a significant effect on knife stabbing.

      The reason why fiber bulletproof vests cannot effectively prevent knives is that there are some gaps in the fibers. The sharp part of the knife can pierce into the gaps in the fibers, and then continuously expand the gaps in the fibers, ultimately piercing the bulletproof vests and entering the human body. In practical use, police officers wearing fiber bulletproof vests can also wear stab proof clothing on the outside, which can achieve the effect of stab prevention.

Bulletproof Vest

      The bulletproof principle of fiber bulletproof vests is to reduce the penetration of bullets and cause deformation by consuming the energy of the warhead. This bulletproof principle requires bullets to impact at an extremely fast speed, generating shock waves that are absorbed and dispersed by fibers. At this time, bullets will also be compressed and deformed by the shock waves, and subsequently lose their penetration performance. This bulletproof principle is very helpful for protecting handgun and rifle bullets, as well as explosive shrapnel; However, for guarding against sniper guns, the defensive effect of large caliber bullets with strong penetration is very small, and their effect is negligible. And bulletproof vests inserted with plates such as steel or ceramic armor can have a certain protective effect against large caliber bullets and knives, why not commonly equipped?

      Due to the bulkiness of steel bulletproof vests in practical combat, which is not conducive to the movement of soldiers, it can affect the flexibility of soldiers in actual use and can easily cause unnecessary casualties for soldiers. Fiber bulletproof vests almost do not affect the movement of soldiers, and are more convenient to wear inside the body, and can even be worn as vests. This is why military forces in various countries are not commonly equipped with bulletproof vests with steel or ceramic armor plates.

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