Penjualan jaket kalis peluru semakin meningkat. Siapa yang membelinya dan mengapa?

      Milan menyatakan bahawa syarikat yang berpangkalan di AS itu juga menjual perisai dan peralatan taktikal kepada tentera Ukraine, dan telah pun mengeluarkan produk di Ukraine sebelum memasuki pasaran AS secara rasmi pada 2018.


How are bulletproof vests used?

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bulletproof backpack

Latihan telah diubah suai. Jika perisai ditemui, ia boleh dipintas

Bagaimanakah perniagaan jaket kalis peluru?

      UARM melaporkan bahawa, kecuali perniagaan di Ukraine semasa konflik Rusia-Ukraine, jualan dalam dua tahun lalu meningkat kira-kira 150%, kira-kira 2.5 kali ganda berbanding 2019."Times New Roman

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Rang undang-undang ini akan menghalang jaket kalis peluru tentera daripada jatuh ke tangan yang salah. Ia akan memastikan bahawa hanya kakitangan penguatkuasa undang-undang, bomba dan responden pertama yang lain boleh menerima jaket kalis peluru yang dipertingkatkan.

      Pada 2019, Senator Demokrat Chuck Schumer dari New York mencadangkan satu lagi rang undang-undang jaket kalis peluru. Rang undang-undang Schumer memerlukan orang awam mendapatkan kebenaran daripada Biro Penyiasatan Persekutuan untuk membeli jaket kalis peluru.

      Sungguh mengejutkan bahawa hampir semua orang boleh memesan perisai canggih atau peralatan penguatkuasaan undang-undang taktikal seperti yang kita lihat dalam peperangan atau serbuan penguatkuasaan undang-undang berskala penuh dengan hanya satu klik tetikus, skrol ibu jari atau panggilan telefon, yang tidak boleh diterima. dan perlu diubah,

Times New Roman"      Cadangan ini, serta cadangan lain yang serupa, tidak pergi jauh.

Selepas tembakan Buffalo, Gabenor New York Kathy Hochul menandatangani beberapa siri undang-undang, menaikkan umur minimum untuk membeli senapang Semi-automatik kepada 21 tahun, dan melarang penjualan jaket kalis peluru kepada sesetengah orang awam. Mengikut peraturan undang-undang, hanya profesional yang diiktiraf boleh membeli dan menggunakan perlindungan khas ini. Senarai orang yang boleh membeli jaket ini akan diumumkan kemudian.

       Tetapi seperti yang dilaporkan oleh The Trace, sebuah laman web berita yang melaporkan tentang keganasan senjata api, perisai khas yang dipakai oleh lelaki bersenjata di Buffalo (perisai keras yang digunakan untuk menentang peluru senapang) tidak dilarang oleh undang-undang ini. Hanya jaket kalis peluru lembut yang termasuk dalam skop undang-undang ini, yang lebih mudah untuk disembunyikan dan hanya boleh menahan peluru yang lebih kecil.

       Selepas serangan Buffalo, National Body Armor's Goldberg menyatakan bahawa syarikatnya tidak lagi menjual

produk kepada orang ramai. Katanya, semua produk yang dijual syarikat itu kepada orang ramai boleh ditembusi peluru polis.

Goldberg berkata,

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Times New Roman"        Reese dari Republik Armored berkata bahawa undang-undang jaket kalis peluru adalah tidak berperlembagaan dan a

. Beliau berkata bahawa syarikat itu berhasrat untuk menyaman negeri New York di mahkamah persekutuan berhubung undang-undang ini."Times New Roman"        “Saya percaya orang jahat akan melakukan perkara yang tidak baik. Orang yang berniat jahat boleh dengan mudah memintas undang-undang atau niat pengilang dan penjual untuk mencari sumber pasaran gelap. Saya percaya bahawa menghalang orang daripada menggunakan alat tidak membantu orang bebas menentang kejahatan,

       I would say it's doctors, lawyers, Uber drivers, people working in restaurants or any threatened places, "he said. At a golf course in town, someone was stabbed by someone else, so everyone who played bought one

       P.B. Gomez, founder of the Latino Rifle Association, pointed out that members of extreme right wing organizations such as "Proud Boys" had been wearing tactical equipment and Bulletproof vest during the protest.

gun supporters

      In August 2019, a member of the Proud Boys wore a bulletproof vest at a rally in Portland, Oregon.

     "But the Bulletproof vest is also increasingly welcomed by minority left-wing progressives who want to protect themselves in the protest because they may face extreme right-wing agitators head-on. They want to be protected," Gomez said.

      According to Wolf Milan, UARM's business development manager, UARM's customer base is often people who work night shifts at gas stations or liquor stores.

      Milan stated that the US based company also sells armor and tactical equipment to the Ukrainian military, and had already produced products in Ukraine before officially entering the US market in 2018.

How often do large-scale gunmen use bulletproof vests?

     Westrick said that bulletproof vests are expensive and are usually rarely used by criminals.

      But he said that gunmen driven by ideology, as well as those who carefully plan attacks, will use bulletproof vests more frequently.

       According to data collected by The Violence Project, a non partisan organization that studies gun violence, the number of large-scale gunmen wearing bulletproof vests has been on the rise in recent years.

      The organization found that in the past 40 years, at least 21 large-scale gunmen have worn bulletproof vests, most of whom have been in the past 10 years.

      Some of the most eye-catching shooting incidents were carried out by gunmen wearing bulletproof vests. These include the 2012 Aurora Cinema shooting in Colorado, the 2015 San Bernardino attack, and the last year's shooting at Kingsop Department Store in Boulder, Colorado.

       In 2017, when the gunmen of the First Baptist Church in Springs, Sutherland, Texas, were killing indiscriminately, there were experts at the scene - Stephen Willeford, the former firearms coach of the American Rifle Association, used his AR-15 rifle to fight back. Wilford said he later learned that his first two shots clearly accurately hit the gunman, but the gunman was wearing a bulletproof vest, and it was only when he aimed at the side of the gunman's body that it was possible to have an impact on the gunman.

       Westrick said that there have been targeted changes in police training, considering that the gunmen may have bulletproof vests. He said, "The training has been modified. If armor is found, it can be bypassed

How is the business of bulletproof vests?

      UARM reported that, except for the business in Ukraine during the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the sales in the past two years increased by about 150%, about 2.5 times that of 2019.

     In the first three months of 2022, approximately half of the sales were sold to traditional customers (i.e. veterans, gun enthusiasts, or people working in security or law enforcement), while the other half were sold to novice buyers. Milan stated that in 2021, nearly 30% of customers purchased bulletproof vests for the first time.

      From 2019 to 2020, Todd Meeks' Spartan Armor Systems' sales doubled. Then in 2021, sales decreased by about 25% compared to 2020. But January to March 2021 is "a crazy busy time for us" (according to Meeks, this is because of the rebellion in United States Capitol on January 6).

      According to the report by Armored Republic's Reese, sales of bulletproof backpacks increased nearly sixfold from April to May this year after news of the Buffalo and Uwald shootings spread.

      He believes that the sudden short-term outbreak of activity will 'quickly decline'.

Does the United States have measures to regulate bulletproof vests?

      Legislators have proposed relevant bills in Congress, but none have passed them.

In 2014, a shooting incident occurred in Southern California, where a man wearing a bulletproof vest and holding an AR-15 rifle killed two people and injured a deputy sheriff in Riverside County. After the attack, California Democratic                            Representative Michael Honda introduced the Responsible Body Armor Possession Act.

      Honda said at a press conference announcing the bill, "This bill will prevent military bulletproof vests from falling into the wrong hands. It will ensure that only law enforcement personnel, firefighters, and other first responders can receive enhanced bulletproof vests

      In 2019, Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer of New York proposed another bulletproof vest bill. Schumer's bill requires civilians to obtain permission from the Federal Bureau of Investigation to purchase bulletproof vests.

      It is shocking that almost anyone can order advanced armor or tactical law enforcement equipment like those we see in wars or full-scale law enforcement raids with just a click of the mouse, a scroll of the thumb, or a phone call, which is unacceptable and needs to be changed, "he said at the time.

      These suggestions, as well as other similar suggestions, have not gone far.

After the Buffalo shooting, Governor of New York Kathy Hochul signed a series of laws, raising the minimum age for buying Semi-automatic rifle to 21 years old, and prohibiting the sale of bulletproof vests to some civilians. According to legal regulations, only recognized professionals can purchase and use this special protection. The list of people who can purchase these vests will be announced later.

       But as reported by The Trace, a news website that reports on gun violence, the special armor worn by gunmen in Buffalo (hard armor used to resist rifle bullets) is not prohibited by this law. Only soft bulletproof vests are included in the scope of this law, which are easier to conceal and can only withstand smaller bullets.

       After the Buffalo attack, National Body Armor's Goldberg stated that his company no longer sells "military grade" products to the public. He said that all products sold by the company to the public can be penetrated by police bullets.

Goldberg said, "Considering that there are always people doing suspicious things, we no longer sell higher quality products to the public than those owned by the police

        Other retailers and buyers are not satisfied with the new laws in New York.

        The Armored Republic's Reese said that the bulletproof vests law is completely unconstitutional and a "high-pressure act by the legislature". He said that the company intends to sue the state of New York in federal court regarding this law.

        “I believe that bad people will do bad things. People with evil intentions can easily bypass the law or the intentions of manufacturers and sellers to find black market resources. I believe that preventing people from using tools does not help free people resist evil, "he said.

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